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  • import numpy as np
    from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
    from uproot import TTree
    from ..common import FancyDict
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
    from .clusterCoordinates import ClusterCoordinates
    from .mcToClusters import MCtoClusters, MCtoDigits
    from .clustersFromDigits import ClustersFromDigits
    from .generateMatrices import GenerateMatrices
    class PXD(FancyDict):
        def __init__(self, data: dict = None) -> None:
   = 'pxd'
            # list of pxd panels
            self.panels = [[[-0.89 ,  0.36 ,  0.36 , -0.89 , -0.89 ], [ 1.4  ,  1.4  ,  1.4  ,  1.4  ,  1.4  ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 00
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
                           [[ 1.25 ,  0.365,  0.365,  1.25 ,  1.25 ], [ 0.72 ,  1.615,  1.615,  0.72 ,  0.72 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 01
                           [[ 1.4  ,   1.4 ,  1.4  ,  1.4  ,  1.4  ], [-0.36 ,  0.89 ,  0.89 , -0.36 , -0.36 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 02
                           [[ 0.72 ,  1.615,  1.615,  0.72 ,  0.72 ], [-1.25 , -0.365, -0.365, -1.25 , -1.25 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 03
                           [[ 0.89 , -0.36 , -0.36 ,  0.89 ,  0.89 ], [-1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 04
                           [[-1.25 , -0.365, -0.365, -1.25 , -1.25 ], [-0.72 , -1.615, -1.615, -0.72 , -0.72 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 05
                           [[-1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  , -1.4  ], [ 0.36 , -0.89 , -0.89 ,  0.36 ,  0.36 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 06
                           [[-0.72 , -1.615, -1.615, -0.72 , -0.72 ], [ 1.25 ,  0.365,  0.365,  1.25 ,  1.25 ], [-3.12, -3.12, 5.92, 5.92, -3.12]],      # 07
                           [[-0.89 ,  0.36 ,  0.36 , -0.89 , -0.89 ], [ 2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 08
                           [[ 0.345,  1.4  ,  1.4  ,  0.345,  0.345], [ 2.35 ,  1.725,  1.725,  2.35 ,  2.35 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 09
                           [[ 1.48 ,  2.1  ,  2.1  ,  1.48 ,  1.48 ], [ 1.85 ,  0.78 ,  0.78 ,  1.85 ,  1.85 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 10
                           [[ 2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ,  2.2  ], [ 0.89 , -0.36 , -0.36 ,  0.89 ,  0.89 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 11
                           [[ 2.35 ,  1.725,  1.725,  2.35 ,  2.35 ], [-0.345, -1.4  , -1.4  , -0.345, -0.345], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 12
                           [[ 1.85 ,  0.78 ,  0.78 ,  1.85 ,  1.85 ], [-1.48 , -2.1  , -2.1  , -1.48 , -1.48 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 13
                           [[ 0.89 , -0.36 , -0.36 ,  0.89 ,  0.89 ], [-2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 14
                           [[-0.345, -1.4  , -1.4  , -0.345, -0.345], [-2.35 , -1.725, -1.725, -2.35 , -2.35 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 15
                           [[-1.48 , -2.1  , -2.1  , -1.48 , -1.48 ], [-1.85 , -0.78 , -0.78 , -1.85 , -1.85 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 16
                           [[-2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  , -2.2  ], [-0.89 ,  0.36 ,  0.36 , -0.89 , -0.89 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 17
                           [[-2.35 , -1.725, -1.725, -2.35 , -2.35 ], [ 0.345,  1.4  ,  1.4  ,  0.345,  0.345], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]],      # 18
                           [[-1.85 , -0.78 , -0.78 , -1.85 , -1.85 ], [ 1.48 ,  2.1  ,  2.1  ,  1.48 ,  1.48 ], [-4.28, -4.28, 8.08, 8.08, -4.28]]]      # 19
            # these are the branch names for cluster info in the root file
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            self.clusterKeys = { 'clsCharge': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_clsCharge',
                                'seedCharge': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_seedCharge',
                                   'clsSize': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_clsSize',
                                     'uSize': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_uSize',
                                     'vSize': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_vSize',
                                 'uPosition': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_uPosition',
                                 'vPosition': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_vPosition',
                                  'sensorID': 'PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_sensorID'}
            # these are the branch names for cluster digits in the root file
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            self.digitKeys = {   'uCellIDs': 'PXDDigits/PXDDigits.m_uCellID',
                                 'vCellIDs': 'PXDDigits/PXDDigits.m_vCellID',
                              'cellCharges': 'PXDDigits/PXDDigits.m_charge'}
            # this establishes the relationship between clusters and digits
            # because for some reaseon the branch for digits has a different
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            # size/shape than the cluster branch
            self.clusterToDigis = 'PXDClustersToPXDDigits/m_elements/m_elements.m_to'
            # parameter for checking if coordinates have been loaded
            self.gotClusters = False
            self.gotCoordinates = False
            self.gotSphericals = False
            self.gotLayers = False
            self.gotDigits = False
            self.gotMatrices = False
            self.gotMCData = False
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    johannes bilk committed
            # setting up classes for loading, reorganizing and calculating
            # specific pieces of data
            self.clusterCoordinates = ClusterCoordinates()
            self.generateMatrices = GenerateMatrices()
            self.clustersFromDigits = ClustersFromDigits()
            self.mcToClusters = MCtoClusters()
            self.mcToDigits = MCtoDigits()
            # this dict stores the data
   = data if data is not None else {}
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            self.length = 0
        def branches(self, *, includeUnselected: bool = False) -> dict:
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            branches = {  'clusters': list(self.clusterKeys.values()),
                            'digits': self.clustersFromDigits.branches(includeUnselected=includeUnselected),
                        'monteCarlo': self.mcToClusters.branches(includeUnselected=includeUnselected)}
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    johannes bilk committed
            return branches
        def getClusters(self, eventTree: TTree, fileName: str = None, includeUnselected: bool = False) -> None:
            this uses the array from __init__ to load different branches into the data dict
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    johannes bilk committed
            #if self.gotClusters:
            #    return
            eventKeys = set(eventTree.keys())
            missing_branches = set(self.clusterKeys.values()) - eventKeys
            if missing_branches:
                clusters = self.clustersFromDigits.get(eventTree, 'inROI')
                for key in self.clusterKeys.keys():
                    self.set(key, clusters[key])
                self.set('eventNumber', clusters['eventNumber'])
                for key, branch in self.clusterKeys.items():
                    data = self._getData(eventTree, branch)
                    self.set(key, data)
                clusters = eventTree.arrays('PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_clsCharge', library='np')['PXDClusters/PXDClusters.m_clsCharge']
            length = len(['clsCharge']) - self.length
            self.length = len(['clsCharge'])
            self.set('roiSelected', np.array([True] * length))
            self.set('fileName', np.array([fileName] * length))
            missing_branches = set(self.clustersFromDigits.digitsOutKeys.values()) - eventKeys
            if includeUnselected and not missing_branches:
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
                clusters = self.clustersFromDigits.get(eventTree, 'outROI')
                clusters_ = {key: clusters[key] for key in self.clusterKeys.keys()}
                length = len(clusters['clsCharge'])
                clusters_['roiSelected'] = np.array([False] * length)
                clusters_['fileName'] = np.array([fileName] * length)
                clusters_['eventNumber'] = clusters['eventNumber']
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            self.gotClusters = True
        def _getEventNumbers(self, clusters: np.ndarray, offset: int = 0) -> None:
            this generates event numbers from the structure of pxd clusters
            eventNumbers = []
            for i in range(len(clusters)):
                eventNumbers.append(np.array([i]*len(clusters[i])) + offset)
            self.set('eventNumber', np.concatenate(eventNumbers))
        def _getData(self, eventTree: TTree, keyword: str, library: str = 'np') -> np.ndarray:
            a private method for converting branches into something useful, namely
            into numpy arrays, if the keyward library is set to np.
            keyword: str = the full branch name
            library: str = can be 'np' (numpy), 'pd' (pandas) or 'ak' (akward)
                           see uproot documentation for more info
                data = eventTree.arrays(keyword, library=library)[keyword]
                return np.hstack(data)
                return KeyError
        def getDigits(self, eventTree: TTree, includeUnselected: bool = False) -> None:
            reorganizes digits, so that they fit to the clusters
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            #if self.gotDigits:
            #    return
            eventKeys = set(eventTree.keys())
            digitKeys = set(self.digitKeys.values())
            missing_branches = digitKeys - eventKeys
            if missing_branches:
                digits = self.clustersFromDigits.get(eventTree, 'inROI')
                for key in self.digitKeys.keys():
                    self.set(key, digits[key])
                digits = eventTree.arrays(self.digitKeys.values(), library='np')
                uCellIDs = digits[self.digitKeys['uCellIDs']]
                vCellIDs = digits[self.digitKeys['vCellIDs']]
                cellCharges = digits[self.digitKeys['cellCharges']]
                # this establishes the relation between digits and clusters, it's still
                # shocking to me, that this is necessary, why aren't digits stored in the
                # same way as clusters, than one wouldn't need to jump through hoops just
                # to have the data in a usable und sensible manner
                # root is such a retarded file format
                clusterDigits = eventTree.arrays(self.clusterToDigis, library='np')[self.clusterToDigis]
                uCellIDsTemp = []
                vCellIDsTemp = []
                cellChargesTemp = []
                for event in range(len(clusterDigits)):
                    for cls in clusterDigits[event]:
                self.set('uCellIDs', np.array(uCellIDsTemp, dtype=object))
                self.set('vCellIDs', np.array(vCellIDsTemp, dtype=object))
                self.set('cellCharges', np.array(cellChargesTemp, dtype=object))
            missing_branches = set(self.clustersFromDigits.digitsOutKeys.values()) - eventKeys
            if includeUnselected and not missing_branches:
    johannes bilk's avatar
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                digits = self.clustersFromDigits.get(eventTree, 'outROI')
                digits = {key: digits[key] for key in self.digitKeys.keys()}
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        def getMatrices(self, eventTree: TTree = None, matrixSize: tuple = (9, 9)) -> None:
            Loads the digit branches into arrays and converts them into adc matrices
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            #if self.gotMatrices:
            #    return
            popDigits = False
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            if self.gotDigits is False and eventTree:
                popDigits = True
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            cellCharges =['cellCharges']
            uCellIDs =['uCellIDs']
            vCellIDs =['vCellIDs']
    johannes bilk's avatar
    johannes bilk committed
            matrices = self.generateMatrices.get(cellCharges, uCellIDs, vCellIDs, matrixSize=matrixSize)
            # Combine the results from all chunks
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            self.set('matrix', matrices['matrix'])
            if popDigits is True:
                self.gotDigits = False
            self.gotMatrices = True
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        def getCoordinates(self, eventTree: TTree = None) -> None:
            converting the uv coordinates, together with sensor ids, into xyz coordinates
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            #if self.gotCoordinates:
            #    return
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            if eventTree:
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            coordinates = self.clusterCoordinates.get(self['uPosition'], self['vPosition'], self['sensorID'])
            for key, data in coordinates.items():
                self.set(key, data)
            self.gotCoordinates = True
        def getMCData(self, eventTree: TTree, includeUnselected: bool = False) -> None:
            this loads the monte carlo from the root file
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            #if self.gotMCData:
            #    return
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            eventKeys = set(eventTree.keys())
            missing_branches = set(self.clusterKeys.values()) - eventKeys
            if missing_branches:
                mcData = self.mcToDigits.get(eventTree, 'inROI')
                mcData = self.mcToClusters.get(eventTree)
    johannes bilk's avatar
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            for key, data in mcData.items():
                self.set(key, data)
    johannes bilk's avatar
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                mcData = self.mcToDigits.get(eventTree, 'outROI')
    johannes bilk's avatar
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            self.gotMCData = True