import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
def initializeWeights(size: tuple | int, scale: float = 1.0, init: str = 'random') -> ArrayLike:
Initialize filter using a normal distribution with and a
standard deviation inversely proportional the square root of the number of units
if init == 'random':
stddev = scale/np.sqrt(
return np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=stddev, size=size)
elif init == 'ones':
return np.ones(size)
elif init == 'zeros':
return np.zeros(size)
raise ValueError('not a valid init argument')
class Weights(object):
the idea behind class is to combine everything an optimizer needs into one object
this way layers and optimizers don't need to take care of storing and providing
things like previous updates or cache
__slots__ = ['_values', '_quantizedValues', 'prevValues', 'deltas', 'prevDeltas', 'cache', 'scale', 'maxValue', '_useQuantization', 'zeroPoint', 'qMin', 'qMax']
def __init__(self, size: tuple | int, values: ArrayLike = None, init: str = 'random') -> None:
self._values = initializeWeights(size, init=init) if values is None else values
self.prevValues = None
self.deltas = np.zeros(size)
self.prevDeltas = None
self.cache = None
self._quantizedValues = np.zeros(size)
self.scale = 1
self.maxValue = 0
self._useQuantization = False
def values(self):
Depending on the _useQuantized flag, return either the original
or quantized (and dequantized back) weight values for computation.
if self._useQuantization:
return self._quantizedValues
return self._values
def values(self, newValues):
Allow updates to the weight values directly.
self._values = newValues
def qualifiedName(self) -> tuple:
return self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__
def toDict(self) -> dict:
saveDict = {}
saveDict['size'] = self._values.shape
saveDict['values'] = self._values.tolist()
saveDict['deltas'] = self.deltas.tolist()
if self.prevValues is not None:
saveDict['prevValues'] = self.prevValues.tolist()
saveDict['cache'] = {}
if type(self.cache) == dict:
saveDict['cache']['values'] = {}
for key in self.cache:
saveDict['cache']['values'][key] = self.cache[key].tolist()
saveDict['cache']['type'] = 'dict'
elif type(self.cache) == np.ndarray:
saveDict['cache']['values'] = self.cache.tolist()
saveDict['cache']['type'] = 'np.ndarray'
if self._useQuantization:
saveDict['quantization'] = {}
saveDict['quantization']['scale'] = int(self.scale)
saveDict['quantization']['qMin'] = int(self.qMin)
saveDict['quantization']['qMax'] = int(self.qMax)
saveDict['quantization']['zeroPoint'] = int(self.zeroPoint)
saveDict['quantization']['maxValue'] = float(self.maxValue)
saveDict['quantization']['quantizedValues'] = self._quantizedValues.tolist()
return saveDict
def fromDict(self, loadDict: dict) -> None:
self.deltas = np.array(loadDict['deltas'])
if 'prevValues' in loadDict:
self.prevValues = np.array(loadDict['prevValues'])
if loadDict['cache']['type'] == 'np.ndarray':
self.cache = np.array(loadDict['cache']['values'])
elif loadDict['cache']['type'] == 'dict':
self.cache = {}
for key in loadDict['cache']['values']:
self.cache[key] = np.array(loadDict['cache']['values'][key])
if 'quantization' in loadDict:
self.scale = loadDict['quantization']['scale']
self.maxValue = loadDict['quantization']['maxValue']
self.zeroPoint = loadDict['quantization']['zeroPoint']
self.qMin = loadDict['quantization']['qMin']
self.qMax = loadDict['quantization']['qMax']
self._quantizedValues = np.array(loadDict['quantization']['quantizedValues'])
self._useQuantization = True
self._useQuantization = False
def quantize(self, bits: int = 8, scheme: str = "symmetric"):
Quantizes the weight values to a specified bit width.
self.zeroPoint = 0 # Zero-point is used in asymmetric quantization
# Determine qMin and qMax based on the quantization scheme and bit width
if scheme == "symmetric":
self.qMax = 2 ** (bits - 1) - 1
self.qMin = - self.qMax
elif scheme == "asymmetric":
self.qMax = 2 ** bits - 1
self.qMin = 0
raise ValueError(f"{scheme} is not a recognized quantization scheme")
if scheme == "asymmetric":
# Adjust the scale and zeroPoint for asymmetric quantization
data_min = np.min(self._values)
data_max = np.max(self._values)
# Scale calculation based on the actual range of the data
self.scale = (data_max - data_min) / (self.qMax - self.qMin)
# Zero-point calculation, ensuring it's within the quantized value range
self.zeroPoint = self.qMin - round(data_min / self.scale)
self.zeroPoint = max(self.qMin, min(self.qMax, self.zeroPoint))
# For symmetric quantization, scale is based on the maximum absolute value
self.scale = (self.qMax - self.qMin) / (2 * self.maxValue)
# Apply quantization
if scheme == "asymmetric":
self._quantizedValues = np.round(self._values / self.scale) + self.zeroPoint
self._quantizedValues = np.round(self._values * self.scale).astype(np.int32)
self._quantizedValues = np.clip(self._quantizedValues, self.qMin, self.qMax).astype(np.int32) # Ensure values are within range
self._useQuantization = True
def dequantize(self):
Dequantizes the weight values back to floating point.
if self._useQuantization:
# For both symmetric and asymmetric, the formula below applies because
# for symmetric quantization, zeroPoint is 0.
# Note: Ensure self.scale and self.zeroPoint are correctly set during quantization.
return (self._quantizedValues - self.zeroPoint) * self.scale
# If not quantized, simply return the original values.
return self._values
def quantizationRange(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
return self.qMin, self.qMax
def __str__(self) -> str:
printString = ""
printString += str(self.values)
return printString