@@ -161,6 +161,6 @@ Für Anfragen nach Hilfe und Unterstützung schreiben Sie bitte eine Email an di
Für alles Weitere kontaktieren Sie das [Team der Betreibenden](#maintainers) unter unserer internen Mailingliste, [gitlab-admin@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-admin@lists.uni-giessen.de).
Falls Sie Neuigkeiten über diesen Pilotbetrieb erfahren möchten, können sie die Mailingliste [gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de) oder den [RSS feed]({{'/de_feed.xml' | relative_url }}) abbonieren.
Falls Sie Neuigkeiten über JLU GitLab erfahren möchten, können sie die Mailingliste [gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de) oder den [RSS feed]({{'/de_feed.xml' | relative_url }}) abbonieren.
Außerdem können Sie die [Protokolle der IKM-AG](https://www.uni-giessen.de/org/cio/cio/ikm-ag){:target="_blank"} verfolgen (nur intern verfügbar).
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ If no other group members exist, the group is considered abandoned, and all its
To explain more details, the following explanation relies on some [important concepts of Git and GitLab]({{'/help/#necessary_terms' | relative_url }}).
Once your account is deleted, also all data from your user profile will be deleted, along with all your own projects in your *namespace*.
Note that projects in your own namespace will be deleted unconditionally, even if they have other project members.
You may consider to take some [last steps]({{'/help/#last_steps' | relative_url }}) to avoid possible disruptions.
Note that these projects will be deleted unconditionally, even if they have other project members.
You may take some [last steps]({{'/help/#last_steps' | relative_url }}) to avoid possible disruptions.
Data that you contributed to other projects (in namespaces of other users or groups) will not be deleted ([unless a group becomes abandoned](#deletion_groups)).
Instead, your contributions will be anonymized as much as is technically possible and acceptable for the remaining members.
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ For questions regarding help and support, please write an email to our support m
For anything else, can contact the [team of maintainers](#maintainers) at our internal mailing list at [gitlab-admin@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-admin@lists.uni-giessen.de).
If you want to get receive news about this pilot service, you can subscribe to the mailing list [gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de)
If you want to get receive news about JLU GitLab, you can subscribe to the mailing list [gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-news@lists.uni-giessen.de)
or to the [RSS feed]({{'/feed.xml' | relative_url }}).
You can also follow the [protocols of the IKM work group](https://www.uni-giessen.de/org/cio/cio/ikm-ag){:target="_blank"} (only accessible internally, in German).