@@ -23,16 +23,9 @@ There are technical reasons in Git's design to make this extra step necessary:
## Is it a good idea to use Git LFS for your project?
You should consider several aspects before uploading data to JLU GitLab.
If in doubt about your specific situation, please ask the research data manager via email, at [forschungsdaten@uni-giessen.de](mailto:forschungsdaten@uni-giessen.de).
- You should __never__ save data containing personally identifying information on JLU GitLab.
- In principle, Git LFS is suitable for data with "normal protection requirements" (in German, "normalem Schutzbedarf"), FIXME: EXPLAIN.
- Git LFS is most suitable if you want to integrate data and their analysis code in the same place.
If you just want a place to keep your data on their own, you should also consider the option to use [JLUbox](https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/svc/hrz/svc/daten/jlubox) as well as [network drives](https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/svc/hrz/svc/daten/san/index_html), etc.
- Compared with [JLUdata](https://jlupub.ub.uni-giessen.de/handle/jlupub/1), you can store data privately among the members of your project.
JLUdata is the preferred choice to *publish* data (for example, you get a DOI).
You must consider several aspects before uploading any data to JLU GitLab.
Please read [this information](https://gitlab.test.uni-giessen.de/jlugitlab/support/-/blob/master/en/Information.md#storage-of-research-data) on research data management.
If in doubt about your specific situation, please consult the department for research data, [forschungsdaten@uni-giessen.de](mailto:forschungsdaten@uni-giessen.de).