(If you don't, [here is a good starting point](https://git-scm.com/)).
- You have a project on JLU GitLab that includes a Git repository, and you have a local clone of it on your machine.
- You can type Git commands into a command line interface (terminal).
Below, example terminal commands are indicated with a different font, `like this`.
Below, example terminal commands are indicated with a different font and with a leading dollar sign, `$ like this`.
1. On your machine, install the Git LFS extension ([here](https://git-lfs.github.com/) are some instructions).
2. In your local repository clone, configure which types of files you want to track by LFS.
- For example, to let LFS keep track of HDF files, you can type: `git lfs track "*.hdf"`.
- For example, to let LFS keep track of HDF files, you can type: `$ git lfs track "*.hdf"`.
- This will create/change the Git configuration file [`.gitattributes`](.gitattributes).
You should track this configuration change in Git, e.g. by the usual Git commands `git add .gitattributes` and `git commit -m "start tracking HDF files with LFS"`.
*Note that because the file name `.gitattributes` starts with a dot, it may be hidden from view (on UNIX derivatives, use `ls -a` to see it).*
You should track this configuration change in Git, e.g. by the usual Git commands `$ git add .gitattributes` and `$ git commit -m "start tracking HDF files with LFS"`.
*Note that because the file name `.gitattributes` starts with a dot, it may be hidden from view (on Linux and MacOS, use `$ ls -a` to see it; FIXME: What to do on Windows?).*
3. FIXME: How to add files into LFS, and how to interact with them.