@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ Further reason is the poratbility of the code. If written in pure Numpy it can b
Long term I am planning to extent this Framework with the optional use of something like [Numba](https://numba.pydata.org) or [CuPy](https://cupy.dev) in order to accelerate the code. CuPy allows to run Python Code on GPUs, with the added benefit of running on AMD GPUs.
## Don't use git, get something better
Don't bother with this user unfriendly Linus Torvald trash called git. Just use something modern, something like [Jujutsu](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/v0.16.0/). Do yourself this favor.
## Feature List
The Following list gives an overview of features and their status. Keep in meind, that this was only recently started and that there are many bugs and a lack of optimization.