layout: page
title: Information
permalink: /information/
ref: infos
lang: en

## What is JLU GitLab?

## Who may use JLU GitLab?
Currently nobody; first, the terms of service must be written.
Once this is done, any student or employee with a valid s- oder g-Login may open a user account, as long as they accept the terms of service.
Please note that GitLab is currently only reachable within the university network.
You can also use it remotely through the [university VPN](https://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/svc/hrz/svc/netz/campus/vpn).

## Who is maintaining JLU GitLab?
We are a loose team of JLU employees.
We are always looking for more voluntary members who can help us...

You can contact us in various ways, see [contact information](#contact) below.

## Future outlook
Once JLU GitLab is usable within the university, we have further plans to make it even more useful.
Currently, we would like to...

- ...make JLU GitLab accessible directly from the Internet, without VPN
- ...provide a procedure to allow accounts for people from outside the JLU
- ...investigate the possibility to publish content with [GitLab Pages](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/pages/)

## Contact
For questions regarding help and support, please write an email to our mailing list [gitlab-help@lists.uni-giessen.de](mailto:gitlab-help@lists.uni-giessen.de).