--- layout: page title: Help permalink: /help/ ref: help lang: en --- ## How to use GitLab? {#how_to_gitlab} TODO: Browser sufficient for many smaller things, for serious work you should install Git locally. ## First steps {#first_steps} TODO: Rough overview, links to good resources for learning more ([see below](#further-help)). ## Visibility of Projects (and groups) {#visibility} TODO: Meanings of *private*, *internal*, and *public*. GitLab allows the *Owner* of a project (see [user roles](#)) to set the visibility as *private*, *internal*, or *public*. Private projects can only be cloned and viewed by all project members, except for users with the *Guest* role ([see below](#user_roles)). For more details, refer to the [official documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/public_access/public_access.html#visibility-of-projects){:target="_blank"}. ### Like with projects, the visibility of groups can be set to *private*, *internal*, or *public* to allow access to explicitly selected users, all logged-in users, or anyone. ## User roles and permissions {#user_roles} TODO: Meanings of *Guest* through *Owner*. If you include somebody as a project member, you have to decide what role they should have. You can pick either *Guest*, *Reporter*, *Developer*, *Maintainer* or *Owner*. Each role is associated with an increasing set of permissions, see also the [official documentation](https://gitlab.test.uni-giessen.de/help/user/permissions.md#project-members-permissions){:target="_blank"}. <!-- Also interesting: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/index.html#permissions-in-gitlab --> ### Project permissions as *Guest* {#role_guest} The *Guest* role is for not-active members who can only read content, and open issues and leave comments. Project members with the *Guest* role can download the project, leave comments, view and pull project files, view wiki pages, create new issues, see related issues, create confidential issues, and view self-created confidential issues. If *Public pipelines* is enabled in *Project Settings > CI/CD*, they can also see a list of jobs, see a job log, and download and browse job artifacts. ### Project permissions as *Reporter* {#role_reporter} The *Reporter* role is for members who get more insights and can work in the issue tracker. Project members with the *Reporter* role get the following permissions in addition to the *Guest* role: TODO <!-- Regarding issues, they can assign and label issues, lock issue threads, and manage the issue tracker and labels. They can also create code snippets, see a commit status, see a container registry, see environments, see a list of merge requests, view project statistics, and view Error Tracking list. --> ### Project permissions as *Developer* {#role_developer} TODO <!-- create new branches, and push to or remove non-protected branches. Regarding merge requests, they can create new ones, manage/accept, assign and label them, and lock merge request threads. They can create new environments and stop them. cancel and retry jobs, create or update commit status, update a container registry, remove a container registry image. Regarding issues, they can create/edit/delete project milestones, and add tags. apply code change suggestions, create and edit wiki pages, and rewrite/remove Git tags. --> ### Project permissions as *Maintainer* {#role_maintainer} TODO ### Project permissions as *Owner* {#role_owner} TODO ## User groups {#groups} TODO: Group members and their roles and associated permissions. TODO: Clarification that group projects won't be deleted when leaving JLU, as long as members exist in the group. ## Settings about private information {#private_info} TODO: Setting of commit email address (in GitLab and locally), hiding of activity and profile, ... ## Last steps {#last_steps} TODO: Explanation when and what stuff gets deleted once you leave JLU (account data, *own* projects, ...) and what doesn't (group projects including issues and comments, commits, ...). - Except for commits, stuff will be anonymized (transferred to the Ghost user). ## Further help {#more_help} TODO: Useful links, maybe in categories.