layout: page
title: Help on use
permalink: /help/
ref: help
lang: en

## How to use GitLab?
TODO: Browser sufficient for many things, installing Git locally.

## First steps
TODO: Rough overview, links to good resources for learning more (see below).

## Visibility of Projects (and groups?)
TODO: Meanings of *private*, *internal*, and *public*.

## User roles
TODO: Meanings of *Guest* through *Owner*.

## User groups
TODO: Group members and their roles and associated permissions.
TODO: Clarification that group projects won't be deleted when leaving JLU, as long as members exist in the group.

## Settings about private information
TODO: Setting of commit email address (in GitLab and locally), hiding of activity and profile, ...

## Last steps
TODO: Explanation when and what stuff gets deleted once you leave JLU (account data, *own* projects, ...) and what doesn't (group projects including issues and comments, commits, ...).
- Except for commits, stuff will be anonymized (transferred to the Ghost user).

## Further help
TODO: Useful links, maybe in categories.