import numpy as np import sys, random from machineLearning.som import ( SOM, Rectangular, Hexagonal, GuassianNeighborhood, BubbleNeighborhood, MexicanHatNeighborhood, LinearNeighborhood, CosineNeighborhood, CauchyNeighborhood, EpanechnikovNeighborhood ) from import Data from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from machineLearning.utility import Time from machineLearning.settings import SOMSettings from machineLearning.nn.scheduler import ExponentialLR, SteppedLR def dataShift(dims): offSet = [1, 0.5, 1] diffLen = abs(len(offSet) - dims) offSet.extend([0] * diffLen) random.shuffle(offSet) return offSet[:dims] # Helper function for plotting dummy data def scatterPairwise(data, weights, size: float = 10, colors: list[str, str] = ['tab:blue', 'tab:orange']): """ Create a scatter plot of pairwise dimensions of a multidimensional dataset on a grid. Parameters: data (ndarray): The multidimensional dataset to be plotted. size (float): The size of each scatter point in the plot (default 10). color (str): The color of each scatter point in the plot (default 'blue'). Returns: None. """ num_dims = data.shape[1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_dims, num_dims, figsize=(12, 12)) for i in range(num_dims): for j in range(num_dims): if i == j: axes[i][j].axis('off') else: axes[i][j].scatter(data[:, i], data[:, j], s=size, c=colors[0], alpha=0.5,label='data') axes[i][j].scatter(weights[:, i], weights[:, j], s=1.5*size, c=colors[1], alpha=1,label='weights') axes[i][j].set_xlabel(f"Dim {i}") axes[i][j].set_ylabel(f"Dim {j}") axes[i,j].legend(loc='best', fontsize='small') plt.tight_layout() def map(values: np.ndarray, arange: list = [0,1]) -> np.ndarray: assert len(arange) == 2, 'arange must be of length 2' assert arange[0] < arange[1], 'arange must start at a lower value than it ends' c, d = arange[0], arange[1] a, b = np.min(values), np.max(values) return c + ((d - c) / (b - a)) * (values - a) def plotMatrix(matrix, grid, shape='o', size=1): plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) # specify the figure size in inches fig, ax = plt.subplots() # create an array of points for the grid points = grid # plot each point values = map(matrix.flatten(), [0,255]).astype('int') colors = cm.viridis(values) ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], color=colors, s=250*size, marker=shape) ax.set_title('Weight Matrix') # Increase the size of the plot (or 'zoom out') ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.set_xlim(-1, points[:,0].max()+1) ax.set_ylim(-1, points[:,1].max()+1) def pickNeighborhood(neighborhood: str, scale: float): if neighborhood == 'gaussian': return GuassianNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'mexicanhat': return MexicanHatNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'bubble': return BubbleNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'linear': return LinearNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'cosine': return CosineNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'cauchy': return CauchyNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'epanechnikov': return EpanechnikovNeighborhood(scale) else: raise ValueError(f"{neighborhood} is not an option") def pickTopology(topology: str, gridSize: tuple, numFeatures: int): if topology == 'rectangular': return Rectangular(gridSize, numFeatures) elif topology == 'hexagonal': return Hexagonal(gridSize, numFeatures) else: raise ValueError(f"{topology} is not an option") def plotPies(grid, title, countSet: int = 0): fig, ax = plt.subplots(*grid.gridSize, figsize=(grid.gridSize[1], grid.gridSize[0])) # Adjust the subplot parameters to reduce the space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # Set aspect ratio of all subplots to be equal so that the pie charts look like circles, not ellipses for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_aspect('equal') for index, count in enumerate(grid.counts[countSet]): xx, yy = np.unravel_index(index, grid.gridSize) if np.sum(count) > 0: # check if there are counts for this neuron ax[xx,yy].pie(count) else: # if no counts, you can leave it blank or put something else here ax[xx,yy].axis('off') plt.suptitle(title) def plotBars(grid, countSets = [0, 1]): fig, ax = plt.subplots(*grid.gridSize, figsize=(grid.gridSize[1], grid.gridSize[0])) # Adjust the subplot parameters to reduce the space between subplots #plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # Set aspect ratio of all subplots to be equal so that the pie charts look like circles, not ellipses for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_aspect('equal') backgroundColor = grid._umatrix.reshape(*grid.gridSize) minValue = backgroundColor.min() backgroundColor = backgroundColor - minValue maxValue = backgroundColor.max() backgroundColor = backgroundColor/maxValue counts0 = grid.counts[countSets[0]] / np.sum(grid.counts[countSets[0]], axis=1).reshape(grid.numNeurons,1) counts1 = grid.counts[countSets[1]] / np.sum(grid.counts[countSets[1]], axis=1).reshape(grid.numNeurons,1) counts = counts0 - counts1 for index, count in enumerate(counts): xx, yy = np.unravel_index(index, grid.gridSize) ax[xx,yy].set_ylim(-1,1) ax[xx,yy].set_facecolor(f'{backgroundColor[xx,yy]}') ax[xx,yy].bar(np.arange(len(count)), count) plt.suptitle("Count Deltas") if __name__ == "__main__": settings = SOMSettings() try: configFile = sys.argv[1] settings.getConfig(configFile) settings.setConfig() except IndexError: pass print(settings) # Initialize a timer to measure the runtime of different parts of the code timer = Time() print("Importing data...\n") timer.start() data = Data(trainAmount=settings['trainAmount'], evalAmount=settings['validAmount'], batchSize=settings['batchSize'], dataPath=settings['dataPath'], normalize=settings['normalize']) data.inputFeatures(*settings['features']) data.importData(*settings['dataFiles']) print(data) timer.record("Importing Data") # Create and initialize the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) timer.start() grid = SOM(settings['learningRate'], settings['gridSteps'], settings['decreaseEvery']) grid.setComponent(pickTopology(settings['topology'], settings['gridSize'], data.trainSet.shape[-1])) grid.setComponent(pickNeighborhood(settings['neighborhood'], settings['scale'])) if settings['scheduler'] == 'exponential': grid.setComponent(ExponentialLR(grid, settings['decayrate'])) elif settings['scheduler'] == 'stepped': grid.setComponent(SteppedLR(grid, settings['decayrate'], settings['stepSize'])) timer.record("SOM setup") # Train the SOM using the test data timer.start() print('beginn training...') grid.train(data.train, settings['epochs']) timer.record("Training") timer.start() print('beginn evaluation...') grid.eval(data.train) grid.eval(data.eval) timer.record("Evaluation") # Visualize the SOM and U-Matrix if grid.topology.numFeatures == 2: # If the data has only two dimensions, create a simple scatter plot plt.scatter([:,0],[:,1],label='data') plt.scatter(grid.weights[:,0],grid.weights[:,1],label='weights') plt.legend() else: # If the data has more than two dimensions, create a scatter plot of pairwise dimensions scatterPairwise(, grid.weights) if settings['topology'] == 'hexagonal': plotMatrix(grid.weightMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'H',1.5) plotMatrix(grid.uMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'H',1.5) else: plotMatrix(grid.weightMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'s') plotMatrix(grid.uMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'s') #plotPies(grid, "Train Seit", 0) #plotPies(grid, "Eval Set", 1) #plotBars(grid) # Print the total runtime of the code print() print(timer)