import numpy as np import sys from machineLearning.rf import ( RandomForest, DecisionTree, Gini, Entropy, MAE, MSE, Mode, Mean, Confidence, UsersChoice, Variance, Random, MutualInformation, ANOVA, KendallTau, CART, ID3, C45, AdaBoosting, GradientBoosting, Majority, Confidence, Average, Median ) from machineLearning.metric import ConfusionMatrix from machineLearning.utility.timer import Time from machineLearning.settings import ForrestSettings from import Data def getImurity(impurity: str): if impurity == 'gini': return Gini() # Use Gini index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'entropy': return Entropy() # Use Entropy index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'mae': return MAE() # Use MAE index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'mse': return MSE() # Use MSE index as the impurity measure def getLeaf(leaf: str): if leaf == 'mode': return Mode() # Use mode as the leaf function elif leaf == 'mean': return Mean() # Use mean as the leaf function def getSplit(split: str, percentile: int = None): if split == 'id3': return ID3(percentile) # Use ID3 algorithm for splitting elif split == 'c45': return C45(percentile) # Use C4.5 algorithm for splitting elif split == 'cart': return CART(percentile) # Use CART algorithm for splitting def getVoting(voting: str, weights: list): if voting == 'majority': return Majority(weights) elif voting == 'confidence': return Confidence(weights) elif voting == 'average': return Average(weights) elif voting == 'median': return Median(weights) def getFeatureSelection(selection: str, *args): if selection == 'choice': return UsersChoice(*args) elif selection == 'variance': return Variance(*args) elif selection == 'random': return Random(*args) elif selection == 'mutual': return MutualInformation(*args) elif selection == 'anova': return ANOVA(*args) elif selection == 'kendall': return KendallTau(*args) def getBooster(booster: str): if booster == 'adaptive': return AdaBoosting() elif booster == 'gradient': return GradientBoosting() if __name__ == "__main__": settings = ForrestSettings() try: configFile = sys.argv[1] settings.getConfig(configFile) settings.setConfig() except IndexError: pass print(settings) # Create a timer object to measure execution time timer = Time() print("Importing data...\n") timer.start() data = Data(trainAmount=settings['trainAmount'], evalAmount=settings['validAmount'], dataPath=settings['dataPath'], normalize=settings['normalize']) data.inputFeatures(*settings['features']) data.importData(*settings['dataFiles']) print(data) timer.record("Importing Data") # Set up random forest timer.start() print("setting up forrest") forrest = RandomForest(bootstrapping=settings['bootstraping'], retrainFirst=settings['retrainFirst']) if settings['booster'] is not None: forrest.setComponent(getBooster(settings['booster'])) if settings['voting'] is not None: forrest.setComponent(getVoting(settings['voting'], settings['votingWeights'])) for i in range(settings['numTrees']): tree = DecisionTree(settings['depth'][i], settings['minSamples'][i]) tree.setComponent(getImurity(settings['impurity'][i])) tree.setComponent(getLeaf(settings['leaf'][i])) tree.setComponent(getSplit(settings['split'][i], settings['percentile'][i])) if settings['featSelection'][i] is not None: tree.setComponent(getFeatureSelection(settings['featSelection'][i], settings['featParameter'][i])) forrest.append(tree) timer.record("Forrest setup") # Train the random forest timer.start() print("begin training") forrest.train(,data.trainSet.labels.argmax(1)) timer.record("Training") # Evaluate the random forest timer.start() print("making predictions\n") #prediction = forrest.eval(validData) prediction = tree.eval( timer.record("Prediction") print(forrest) print() # Calculate and print confusion matrix confusion = ConfusionMatrix(2) confusion.update(prediction, data.evalSet.labels.argmax(1)) confusion.percentages() confusion.calcScores() print(confusion) print() # Print total execution time print(timer)