import numpy as np import sys, random from som.som import SOM from som.topology import Rectangular, Hexagonal from import Data from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from utility.timer import Time from settings.somSettings import SOMSettings from som.neighborhood import GuassianNeighborhood, BubbleNeighborhood, MexicanHatNeighborhood, LinearNeighborhood, CosineNeighborhood, CauchyNeighborhood, EpanechnikovNeighborhood from nn.scheduler import ExponentialLR, SteppedLR def dataShift(dims): offSet = [1, 0.5, 1] diffLen = abs(len(offSet) - dims) offSet.extend([0] * diffLen) random.shuffle(offSet) return offSet[:dims] # Helper function for plotting dummy data def scatterPairwise(data, weights, size: float = 10, colors: list[str, str] = ['tab:blue', 'tab:orange']): """ Create a scatter plot of pairwise dimensions of a multidimensional dataset on a grid. Parameters: data (ndarray): The multidimensional dataset to be plotted. size (float): The size of each scatter point in the plot (default 10). color (str): The color of each scatter point in the plot (default 'blue'). Returns: None. """ num_dims = data.shape[1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_dims, num_dims, figsize=(12, 12)) for i in range(num_dims): for j in range(num_dims): if i == j: axes[i][j].axis('off') else: axes[i][j].scatter(data[:, i], data[:, j], s=size, c=colors[0], alpha=0.5,label='data') axes[i][j].scatter(weights[:, i], weights[:, j], s=1.5*size, c=colors[1], alpha=1,label='weights') axes[i][j].set_xlabel(f"Dim {i}") axes[i][j].set_ylabel(f"Dim {j}") axes[i,j].legend(loc='best', fontsize='small') plt.tight_layout() def map(values: np.ndarray, arange: list = [0,1]) -> np.ndarray: assert len(arange) == 2, 'arange must be of length 2' assert arange[0] < arange[1], 'arange must start at a lower value than it ends' c, d = arange[0], arange[1] a, b = np.min(values), np.max(values) return c + ((d - c) / (b - a)) * (values - a) def plotMatrix(matrix, grid, shape='o', size=1): plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) # specify the figure size in inches fig, ax = plt.subplots() # create an array of points for the grid points = grid # plot each point values = map(matrix.flatten(), [0,255]).astype('int') colors = cm.viridis(values) ax.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], color=colors, s=250*size, marker=shape) ax.set_title('Weight Matrix') # Increase the size of the plot (or 'zoom out') ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.set_xlim(-1, points[:,0].max()+1) ax.set_ylim(-1, points[:,1].max()+1) def pickNeighborhood(neighborhood: str, scale: float): if neighborhood == 'gaussian': return GuassianNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'mexicanhat': return MexicanHatNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'bubble': return BubbleNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'linear': return LinearNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'cosine': return CosineNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'cauchy': return CauchyNeighborhood(scale) elif neighborhood == 'epanechnikov': return EpanechnikovNeighborhood(scale) else: raise ValueError(f"{neighborhood} is not an option") def pickTopology(topology: str, gridSize: tuple, numFeatures: int): if topology == 'rectangular': return Rectangular(gridSize, numFeatures) elif topology == 'hexagonal': return Hexagonal(gridSize, numFeatures) else: raise ValueError(f"{topology} is not an option") def plotPies(grid, title, countSet: int = 0): fig, ax = plt.subplots(*grid.gridSize, figsize=(grid.gridSize[1], grid.gridSize[0])) # Adjust the subplot parameters to reduce the space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # Set aspect ratio of all subplots to be equal so that the pie charts look like circles, not ellipses for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_aspect('equal') for index, count in enumerate(grid.counts[countSet]): xx, yy = np.unravel_index(index, grid.gridSize) if np.sum(count) > 0: # check if there are counts for this neuron ax[xx,yy].pie(count) else: # if no counts, you can leave it blank or put something else here ax[xx,yy].axis('off') plt.suptitle(title) def plotBars(grid, countSets = [0, 1]): fig, ax = plt.subplots(*grid.gridSize, figsize=(grid.gridSize[1], grid.gridSize[0])) # Adjust the subplot parameters to reduce the space between subplots #plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) # Set aspect ratio of all subplots to be equal so that the pie charts look like circles, not ellipses for a in ax.ravel(): a.set_aspect('equal') backgroundColor = grid._umatrix.reshape(*grid.gridSize) minValue = backgroundColor.min() backgroundColor = backgroundColor - minValue maxValue = backgroundColor.max() backgroundColor = backgroundColor/maxValue counts0 = grid.counts[countSets[0]] / np.sum(grid.counts[countSets[0]], axis=1).reshape(grid.numNeurons,1) counts1 = grid.counts[countSets[1]] / np.sum(grid.counts[countSets[1]], axis=1).reshape(grid.numNeurons,1) counts = counts0 - counts1 for index, count in enumerate(counts): xx, yy = np.unravel_index(index, grid.gridSize) ax[xx,yy].set_ylim(-1,1) ax[xx,yy].set_facecolor(f'{backgroundColor[xx,yy]}') ax[xx,yy].bar(np.arange(len(count)), count) plt.suptitle("Count Deltas") if __name__ == "__main__": settings = SOMSettings() try: configFile = sys.argv[1] settings.getConfig(configFile) settings.setConfig() except IndexError: pass print(settings) # Initialize a timer to measure the runtime of different parts of the code timer = Time() print("Importing data...\n") timer.start() data = Data(trainAmount=settings['trainAmount'], evalAmount=settings['validAmount'], batchSize=settings['batchSize'], dataPath=settings['dataPath'], normalize=settings['normalize']) data.inputFeatures(*settings['features']) data.importData(*settings['dataFiles']) print(data) timer.record("Importing Data") # Create and initialize the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) timer.start() grid = SOM(settings['learningRate'], settings['gridSteps'], settings['decreaseEvery']) grid.setComponent(pickTopology(settings['topology'], settings['gridSize'], data.trainSet.shape[-1])) grid.setComponent(pickNeighborhood(settings['neighborhood'], settings['scale'])) if settings['scheduler'] == 'exponential': grid.setComponent(ExponentialLR(grid, settings['decayrate'])) elif settings['scheduler'] == 'stepped': grid.setComponent(SteppedLR(grid, settings['decayrate'], settings['stepSize'])) timer.record("SOM setup") # Train the SOM using the test data timer.start() print('beginn training...') grid.train(data.train, settings['epochs']) timer.record("Training") timer.start() print('beginn evaluation...') grid.eval(data.train) grid.eval(data.eval) timer.record("Evaluation") # Visualize the SOM and U-Matrix if grid.topology.numFeatures == 2: # If the data has only two dimensions, create a simple scatter plot plt.scatter([:,0],[:,1],label='data') plt.scatter(grid.weights[:,0],grid.weights[:,1],label='weights') plt.legend() else: # If the data has more than two dimensions, create a scatter plot of pairwise dimensions scatterPairwise(, grid.weights) if settings['topology'] == 'hexagonal': plotMatrix(grid.weightMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'H',1.5) plotMatrix(grid.uMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'H',1.5) else: plotMatrix(grid.weightMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'s') plotMatrix(grid.uMatrix, grid.topology.gridIndices,'s') #plotPies(grid, "Train Seit", 0) #plotPies(grid, "Eval Set", 1) #plotBars(grid) # Print the total runtime of the code print() print(timer)