import numpy as np import sys from rf.randomForrest import RandomForest from rf.decisionTree import DecisionTree from rf.impurityMeasure import Gini, Entropy, MAE, MSE from rf.leafFunction import Mode, Mean from rf.featureSelection import UsersChoice, Variance, Random, MutualInformation, ANOVA, KendallTau from rf.splitAlgorithm import CART, ID3, C45 from metric.confusionMatrix import ConfusionMatrix from utility.timer import Time from settings.forrestSettings import ForrestSettings from import Majority, Confidence, Average, Median from import Data from rf.boosting import AdaBoosting, GradientBoosting def getImurity(impurity: str): if impurity == 'gini': return Gini() # Use Gini index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'entropy': return Entropy() # Use Entropy index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'mae': return MAE() # Use MAE index as the impurity measure elif impurity == 'mse': return MSE() # Use MSE index as the impurity measure def getLeaf(leaf: str): if leaf == 'mode': return Mode() # Use mode as the leaf function elif leaf == 'mean': return Mean() # Use mean as the leaf function def getSplit(split: str, percentile: int = None): if split == 'id3': return ID3(percentile) # Use ID3 algorithm for splitting elif split == 'c45': return C45(percentile) # Use C4.5 algorithm for splitting elif split == 'cart': return CART(percentile) # Use CART algorithm for splitting def getVoting(voting: str, weights: list): if voting == 'majority': return Majority(weights) elif voting == 'confidence': return Confidence(weights) elif voting == 'average': return Average(weights) elif voting == 'median': return Median(weights) def getFeatureSelection(selection: str, *args): if selection == 'choice': return UsersChoice(*args) elif selection == 'variance': return Variance(*args) elif selection == 'random': return Random(*args) elif selection == 'mutual': return MutualInformation(*args) elif selection == 'anova': return ANOVA(*args) elif selection == 'kendall': return KendallTau(*args) def getBooster(booster: str): if booster == 'adaptive': return AdaBoosting() elif booster == 'gradient': return GradientBoosting() if __name__ == "__main__": settings = ForrestSettings() try: configFile = sys.argv[1] settings.getConfig(configFile) settings.setConfig() except IndexError: pass print(settings) # Create a timer object to measure execution time timer = Time() print("Importing data...\n") timer.start() data = Data(trainAmount=settings['trainAmount'], evalAmount=settings['validAmount'], dataPath=settings['dataPath'], normalize=settings['normalize']) data.inputFeatures(*settings['features']) data.importData(*settings['dataFiles']) print(data) timer.record("Importing Data") # Set up random forest timer.start() print("setting up forrest") forrest = RandomForest(bootstrapping=settings['bootstraping'], retrainFirst=settings['retrainFirst']) if settings['booster'] is not None: forrest.setComponent(getBooster(settings['booster'])) if settings['voting'] is not None: forrest.setComponent(getVoting(settings['voting'], settings['votingWeights'])) for i in range(settings['numTrees']): tree = DecisionTree(settings['depth'][i], settings['minSamples'][i]) tree.setComponent(getImurity(settings['impurity'][i])) tree.setComponent(getLeaf(settings['leaf'][i])) tree.setComponent(getSplit(settings['split'][i], settings['percentile'][i])) if settings['featSelection'][i] is not None: tree.setComponent(getFeatureSelection(settings['featSelection'][i], settings['featParameter'][i])) forrest.append(tree) timer.record("Forrest setup") # Train the random forest timer.start() print("begin training") forrest.train(,data.trainSet.labels.argmax(1)) timer.record("Training") # Evaluate the random forest timer.start() print("making predictions\n") #prediction = forrest.eval(validData) prediction = tree.eval( timer.record("Prediction") print(forrest) print() # Calculate and print confusion matrix confusion = ConfusionMatrix(2) confusion.update(prediction, data.evalSet.labels.argmax(1)) confusion.percentages() confusion.calcScores() print(confusion) print() # Print total execution time print(timer)