import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("error") class ConfusionMatrix(object): """ This class creates a confusion matrix based on labels It calculates also the performance scores based on the confusion matrix One can update the scores to be calculated """ __slots__ = ['name', 'numClasses', 'matrix', 'procent', 'classes', 'classNames', 'nameLength', 'scoreNames', 'scoreLength', 'scoreFormular', 'scores', 'totals', '_scoreByFormular', '_socreByName', '_wrongFormular', '_wrongName'] def __init__(self, numClasses: int = None, classNames: list = None) -> None: = self.__class__.__name__ if numClasses is None and classNames is None: raise ValueError('need to give either/both number of classes or class names') if numClasses is not None and classNames is not None: if len(classNames) != numClasses: raise ValueError('number of classes must be length of class names') # matrix self.numClasses = len(classNames) if numClasses is None else numClasses self.matrix = np.zeros((self.numClasses, self.numClasses), dtype=int) self.procent = np.zeros((self.numClasses, self.numClasses), dtype=float) self.classes = np.arange(0, self.numClasses) # class names self.classNames = [f'Class {i}' for i in range(self.numClasses)] if classNames is None else classNames self.nameLength = [len(item) for item in self.classNames] # scores self.scoreNames = ['accuracy', 'precision', 'sensitivity', 'miss rate'] self.scoreLength = [len(item) for item in self.scoreNames] self.scoreFormular = ['(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)', 'tp/(tp+fp)', 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'fn/(fn+tp)'] self.scores = np.zeros((len(self.classNames), len(self.scoreNames))) # total scores self.totals = np.zeros(len(self.scoreNames)) # all possible score formulars and score names, used for configuring scores by the user self._scoreByFormular = {'tp/(tp+fn)': 'sensitivity', 'tp/(fn+tp)': 'sensitivity', 'tn/(tn+fp)': 'rejection', 'tn/(fp+tn)': 'rejection', 'fn/(fn+tp)': 'miss rate', 'fn/(tp+fn)': 'miss rate', 'tp/(tp+fp)': 'precision', 'tp/(fp+tp)': 'precision', 'fp/(fp+tn)': 'fall-out', 'fp/(tn+fp)': 'fall-out', 'fn/(fn+tn)': 'false omission', 'fn/(tn+fn)': 'false omission', 'fp/(fp+tp)': 'false dicovery', 'fp/(tp+fp)': 'false dicovery', '(2*tp)/(2*tp+fp+fn)': 'f1 score', '(2*tp)/(2*tp+fn+fp)': 'f1 score', '(2*tp)/(fn+2*tp+fp)': 'f1 score', '(2*tp)/(fp+fn+2*tp)': 'f1 score', '(2*tp)/(fn+fp+2*tp)': 'f1 score', '(2*tp)/(fp+2*tp+fn)': 'f1 score', 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)': 'threat score', 'tp/(tp+fp+fn)': 'threat score', 'tp/(fp+tp+fn)': 'threat score', 'tp/(fn+fp+tp)': 'threat score', 'tp/(fp+fn+tp)': 'threat score', 'tp/(fn+tp+fp)': 'threat score', '(tp+tn)/(tp+fn+fp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tp+fn+tn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tp+fp+tn+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+tp+fp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+tp+tn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+fp+tp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+fp+tn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+tn+tp+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fn+tn+fp+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+tp+fn+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+tp+tn+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+fn+tp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+fn+tn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+tn+tp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(fp+tn+fn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+tp+fn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+tp+fp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+fn+tp+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+fn+fp+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+fp+tp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tp+tn)/(tn+fp+fn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+fn+fp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+fn+tn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+fp+tn+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+tn+fn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tp+tn+fp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+tp+fp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+tp+tn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+fp+tp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+fp+tn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+tn+tp+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fn+tn+fp+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+tp+fn+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+tp+tn+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+fn+tp+tn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+fn+tn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+tn+tp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(fp+tn+fn+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+tp+fn+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+tp+fp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+fn+tp+fp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+fn+fp+tp)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+fp+tp+fn)': 'accuracy', '(tn+tp)/(tn+fp+fn+tp)': 'accuracy'} self._socreByName = {'sensitivity': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'recall': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'hitrate': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'truepositiverate': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'truepositive': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'tpr': 'tp/(tp+fn)', 'specificity': 'tn/(tn+fp)', 'selectivity': 'tn/(tn+fp)', 'truenegativerate': 'tn/(tn+fp)', 'truenegative': 'tn/(tn+fp)', 'tnr': 'tn/(tn+fp)', 'precision': 'tp/(tp+fp)', 'positivepredictivevalue': 'tp/(tp+fp)', 'positivepredictive': 'tp/(tp+fp)', 'ppv': 'tp/(tp+fp)', 'rejection': 'tn/(tn+fn)', 'negativepredictivevalue': 'tn/(tn+fn)', 'negativepredictive': 'tn/(tn+fn)', 'npv': 'tn/(tn+fn)', 'missrate': 'fn/(fn+tp)', 'falsenegativerate': 'fn/(fn+tp)', 'falsenegative': 'fn/(fn+tp)', 'fnr': 'fn/(fn+tp)', 'fallout': 'fp/(fp+tn)', 'falsepositiverate': 'fp/(fp+tn)', 'falsepositive': 'fp/(fp+tn)', 'fpr': 'fp/(fp+tn)', 'falsediscoveryrate': 'fp/(fp+tp)', 'falsediscovery': 'fp/(fp+tp)', 'fdr': 'fp/(fp+tp)', 'falseomissionrate': 'fn/(fn+tn)', 'falseomission': 'fn/(fn+tn)', 'for': 'fn/(fn+tn)', 'threatscore': 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)', 'criticalsuccessindex': 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)', 'criticalsuccess': 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)', 'ts': 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)', 'csi': 'tp/(tp+fn+fp)', 'accuracy': '(tp+tn)/(tp+fn+fp+tn)', 'acc': '(tp+tn)/(tp+fn+fp+tn)', 'f1score': '(2*tp)/(2*tp+fp+fn)'} self._wrongFormular = [] self._wrongName = [] def update(self, prediction: ArrayLike, target: ArrayLike) -> None: """ Update the confusion matrix based on new predictions and targets. """ # convert one-hot encoding to categorial if len(target.shape) == 2: target = np.argmax(target, axis=-1) prediction = np.argmax(prediction, axis=-1) # loop across the different combinations of actual / predicted classes for i in range(self.numClasses): for j in range(self.numClasses): # count the number of instances in each combination of actual / predicted classes self.matrix[i, j] += np.sum((target == self.classes[i]) & (prediction == self.classes[j])) def percentages(self) -> None: # Convert the confusion matrix to percentages. self.procent = np.round(100 * (self.matrix / self.matrix.sum()), 2) def calcScores(self) -> None: """ Calculate the scores based on the confusion matrix. """ # reading tp, tn, fp, tn from confusion matrix tptensor = self.matrix.diagonal() fntensor = (self.matrix.sum(1) - self.matrix.diagonal())#.reshape(-1,1) fptensor = (self.matrix.sum(0) - self.matrix.diagonal())#.reshape(-1,1) tntensor = (self.matrix.sum() - self.matrix.sum(1) - self.matrix.sum(0) + self.matrix.diagonal())#.reshape(-1,1) # calculating scores for i, formular in enumerate(self.scoreFormular): for j, category in enumerate(self.classNames): # tp, fn, fp, tn will be used by 'eval(formular)' # every formular is a string consiting of tp, tn, fp, tn # pyflakes says these variables are never used, but # they are used with 'formular', where eval(...) converts # a string into code, which uses tp, fn, fp and tn tp, fn, fp, tn = tptensor[j], fntensor[j], fptensor[j], tntensor[j] try: self.scores[j,i] = eval(formular) except RuntimeWarning: self.scores[j,i] = np.nan # estimating the total scores across all categories self.totals = np.nanmean(self.scores, axis=0) #self.totals = self.scores.mean(0) def setScores(self, *scores: str) -> None: """ allows setting custom scores, needs to be based confusion matrix 'scores' either needs to be a list of names of formulars when call, it overwrites all scores """ self.scoreNames = [] self.scoreFormular = [] for score in scores: name = score.lower().replace(' ','').replace('-','') if score in self._scoreByFormular: self.scoreNames.append(self._scoreByFormular[score]) self.scoreFormular.append(score) elif name in self._socreByName: self.scoreNames.append(score) self.scoreFormular.append(self._socreByName[name]) elif '(' in score or ')' in score or '+' in score or '-' in score or '/' in score or '*' in score: self._wrongFormular.append(score) else: self._wrongName.append(score) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Print the confusion matrix and the scores. """ lengthAddition = 5 center = (self.numClasses + 1) * (np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) printString = '' # printing the section title if np.sum(self.scores) > 0: printString += ' evaluation '.center(center, '━') + '\n' # printing the confusion matrix printString += ' confusion matrix '.center(center, '—') + '\n' printString += ''.ljust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for head in self.classNames: printString += + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' + '·' * (center) + '\n' for i, (line, pro) in enumerate(zip(self.matrix, self.procent)): printString += self.classNames[i].rjust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for item in line: printString += str(int(item.item())).center(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' if np.sum(self.procent) > 0: printString += ''.rjust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for item in pro: printString += (str(int(item.item())) + '%').center(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' if i < self.numClasses - 1: printString += '·' * (center) + '\n' # printing the scores if np.sum(self.scores) > 0: center = np.max(self.nameLength) + len(self.scoreNames) * (np.max(self.scoreLength) + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' + ' scores '.center(center, '—') + '\n' printString += ''.ljust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for head in self.scoreNames: printString += + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' + '·' * (center) + '\n' for i, line in enumerate(self.scores): printString += self.classNames[i].rjust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for item in line: printString += str(round(item.item(),3)).center(np.max(self.scoreLength) + lengthAddition) printString += '\n' printString += '·' * (center) + '\n' printString += 'total'.rjust(np.max(self.nameLength) + lengthAddition) for item in self.totals: printString += str(round(item.item(),3)).center(np.max(self.scoreLength) + lengthAddition) return printString